







Mitropolitul Bisericii Ortodoxe Romane din cele doua Americi Înaltpreasfințitul Arhiepiscop NICOLAE CONDREA

Preotul Bisericii Ortodoxe Romane Inaltarea Domnului Parintele GABRIEL  CURPENE

 Steag Romania dimensiuni 120x70 cm

Welcome to the Ascension Of The Lord Romanian Orthodox Church - Parish Website. We thank you for visiting our website and taking the opportunity to learn about the beauty captured in the Orthodox Faith. I pray that you have an enlightening experience as you surf through our website, and if you have any questions about our precious faith, please do not hesitate to contact our church office at cell : (925) - 375 - 5310

''We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing''

We come to lift our voices to the Lord. In joy , in singing, in deeply felt prayer. There is strength in our fellowship. And help. And the warm love of family. We give, and it is given back to us many times over. We are at home here. Not just on Sunday, but any day. Working together, playing together, eating together. Discussing, rehearsing, learning. And just being ourselves.

We want our church to be a place where you are nourished. A place where you are restored. A place to get in touch with God's wisdom. A place to find God's peace. Where you can return week after week to rediscover the joy of keeping your life in tune with God's will.

The world outside might sometimes seem unbearably hard, but the time you spend here gives you the strength to face it.

Everyone is important in our family . But none is so special as the children. Above all athers we give them our love and care. Our best tools for learning. Our best work and play and song. We want this to be a place where they' re listened to as well as taught. A place of hope and vision, adventure and growth. For the future of Christ's church is in their hands.





The Orthodox Church is a holy institution that has been successfully preaching, teaching and living the message of Jesus Christ Crucified and Resurrected for over 2,000 years. “In the beginning was the Word (Jesus Christ is known as the Word of God), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1). In our Orthodox Tradition we recognize and worship the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are three persons (hypostasis) that share one essence, they never work separately of one another. Therefore, by saying the Word was God, we as Orthodox are affirming that Jesus Christ (who is the word of God) is indeed God, as is the Holy Spirit.

Often times Orthodoxy is called the “best hidden or kept secret.” Why is this so? We are known as an Evangelical Church, but not Protestant. The word Evangelical finds its roots in the Greek word Evangelion (Gospel). We as an Orthodox Church are solely centered around the Word of God, and its message of salvation to all. As Orthodox Christians we do not knock on doors and announce our faith, we do not stand and street corners and proclaim the scriptures, rather we invite you to our worship services to come and experience our unchanged, undefiled worship and adoration of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ.

The word “Orthodox” means “correct glory” and our expression of that to Christ Himself. As Romanian Orthodox Christians we recognize that Jesus Christ is the head of our Church. He is called the Great High Priest. Our Theology (teachings) tells us that Jesus Christ has two natures, fully Man and fully God. Through our reading of Holy Scripture we notice that Christ is God because he heals people from the dead, He restores sight to the blind and He also walks on water, manifesting His dominance over creation. In addition to Christ’s Divinity, Holy Scripture also reminds us that at the tomb of His friend Lazarus Christ wept and while being crucified on the Cross He bled. By ascending the cross to be crucified Jesus Christ offered Himself as the redemption of humankind and through His Third-Day Resurrection He destroyed the power of death and offered salvation to all who follow Him.


Obiectivele Bisericii Noastre

1. Sa mentina, sa învete si sa promoveze fara alterare: dogma, traditiile si cultul Bisericii Ortodoxe Române in mijlocul credinciosilor, si a societatii in general.

2. Sa supravegheze si sa asigure asistenta spiritual-religioasa a tuturor enoriasilor.

3. Sa promoveze si sa extinda limba, cultura si unitatea de credinta religioasa si traditiile stramosilor, aducând astfel o contributie la societatea multiculturala Americana din care facem parte.

4. Sa practice caritatea crestina, sa cerceteze si sa dea ajutor celor nevoiasi.

5. Sa mentina legatura cu Biserica Ortodoxa Româna, sub a carei jurisdictie canonica se afla. Biserica noastra este singura biserica ortodoxa din Bay Area aflata in comuniune cu biserica mama, respectiv cu Patriarhia Romana prin intermediul Arhiepiscopiei Ortodoxe Romane din cele doua Americi, condusa de I.P.S.A. NICOLAE CONDREA.

6. Ca americani de origine romana, este o binecuvantare sa avem acoperire canonica de la biserica noastra stramoseasca, ("Mama poporului roman", cum spunea marele poet Mihail Eminescu) si nu de la Orthodox Church in America (O.C.A.) care apartine de Patriarhia Ortodoxa Rusa sub care functioneaza celelalte bisericii ortodoxe romanesti din zona.

7. In primul plan sa mentina si sa largeasca relatii de prietenie si colaborare cu celelalte Biserici Ortodoxe canonice recunoscute de Patriarhia Ortodoxa a Constantinopolului si nu in ultimul rand cu toti ceilalti crestini din America.

8. Sa cladeasca un lacas de cult propriu si alte facilitati auxiliare sub auspiciul caruia sa poata pune in aplicare toate activitatile religioase si sociale. S-a inceput deja demersul in a negocia posibilitatea aducerii din Romania in zona San Francisco, a unei biserici ortodoxe romanesti, construita in binecunoscutul stil Maramuresan. Prin ridicarea unui sfant lacas de o asemenea valoare si incarcatura spirituala in acest colt de lume, putem aduce aici un crampei rupt din glia noastra strabuna ROMANIA, menit sa scoata in evidenta traditia, bogatia si valoarea inestimabila a credintei noastre ortodoxe. Odata cu instalarea acestui edificiu in aceasta zona, identitatea noastra a romanilor ortodocsi, traitori pe aceste meleaguri, va fi inteleasa mai bine si mai profund de tara care ne-a adoptat si in care dorim sa ne pastram credinta, datinile si obiceiurile noastre milenare. Nu este un proiect usor, mai ales ca fondurile de constructie si de transport, nu vor veni de la enoriasii bisericii noastre. Este necesar sa lucram impreuna pentru a gasi terenul unde va fi amplasata aceasta bijuterie a fiintei noastre crestine romanesti. Proiectul vizeaza promovarea culturii si a valorilor noastre spirituale in spatiul american; biserica de lemn, fiind o fereastra deschisa larg spre cer, si un reper autentic a ceia ce inseamna fiinta poporului roman si amprenta patrimoniului nostru cultural si spiritual in lume. Nu in ultimul rand anuntam ca biserica(lacasul de cult) va fi proprietatea bisericii ortodoxe romane "Inaltarea Domnului" si nu a altor organizatii.

9. Sa organizeze activitati sociale si culturale pentru comunitatea romaneasca din Bay Area.